Talk N Walk App Features and Functionality

A photograph of two girls, looking at each other and smiling. The girl on the right holds her mobile phone out in front of her. The phone is in focus, and the girls are out of focus in the background. The girl on the left has dark blonde hair tied back in a low ponytail, and wears a black t-shirt. The girl on the right has blonde hair tied up in a high bun, and wears an olive green strappy playsuit. The phone screen shows the Talk N Walk "Welcome" screen dashboard, showing the users name, avatar, digital stickers, activity and the "start a walk" button.

Co-designed with tween and teen girls, the Talk N Walk app responds to what they told us is important to them – the focus is on friendships, family and feeling good, not on counting steps, competing, or performing - and has had their input at every step of the way.  

The Talk N Walk app uses conversation starters, fun challenges, personal goal setting, points and digital stickers as activity motivators. Users are also asked to rate their sense of wellbeing before and after the Talk N Walk using emojis, to demonstrate how being active outdoors with friends/family has an immediate impact on mood. 

Five screenshots of the Talk N Walk app, including the launch page, emoji page, walking timer screen, digital sticker reward, and app dashboard.

The idea for Talk N Walk is great because most teenage girls stay inside, are on their phones in their bedrooms, and are not spending the day going out and socialising and seeing people...they’re staying inside and comparing themselves to people on social media. So it’s a great way to get girls outside, and it releases endorphins, which makes you a happier person, so this app can actually really help a lot of girls’ wellbeing”. (St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls Junior School Talk N Walk app co-designer)

It also puts the privacy and safety of app users first, with no personally identifying data, sharing of accounts or in-app connectivity, and no tracking of where users are walking (although the motion sensor function is used to record distance).  

Once downloaded the app is available to use completely offline (no wifi or data required), ensuring accessibility for users in regional and remote areas.  

Find out more about the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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