Media and Speaking Engagements

Inspire conversation with a leading outdoor play expert
A photo of Kelsie Prabawa-Sear speaking at a lectern in front of a crowd.

Meet Dr. Kelsie Prabawa-Sear, our passionate CEO and outdoor play expert, available for media and speaking engagements on the essential role of outdoor play in children's development.

Kelsie's academic journey includes a Master’s in Environmental Education for Sustainability and a PhD on The Impact of Culture in Environmental Education in Java, Indonesia. Her work consistently emphasises the vital connection between nature and children’s development.

As a parent and advocate for nature, Kelsie understands the challenges of parenthood and champions the importance of ensuring children have meaningful experiences in nature. She believes that the health of the environment is inseparable from our own wellbeing.

Nature Play WA is renowned for its innovative programs that promote unstructured outdoor play, benefiting children's physical and mental health, social and emotional development, resilience, creativity, and connection to nature. As an outdoor play expert, Kelsie’s engaging insights make her a sought-after speaker in this field.

Previous Speaking Engagements

Kelsie has been asked to speak as an outdoor play expert at number of conferences, schools and events, including:

Nature Play WA CEO Dr Kelsie Prabawa-Sear stands behind a sign that says "ISPAH", which stands for International society for physical activity and health.

Previous Media Appearances

Kelsie has been a guest on TV, radio and podcasts, including:

  • Channel 9 News
  • Channel 7 News
  • ABC News
  • ABC Radio
  • 6PR Radio
  • Meerilinga Podcast
  • Raising Wildlings Podcast

Partner with Nature Play WA

Partner with us to help connect children with nature and foster healthier, happier communities. We collaborate with schools, local governments, community organisations, research institutions and more.

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