Talk N Walk is an award-winning wellbeing program, facilitated through the Talk N Walk app and supporting resources.
The program was co-designed with more than 100 ten-to-fifteen-year-old girls, including those who identify as girls and non-gender conforming individuals, from around Western Australia.
Talk N Walk focuses on social connection, friendships, family and feeling good and, while it has been developed to support tween and teen girls to be more physically active and mentally healthy, it can be used by anyone.
Quite simply, Talk N Walk is about swapping catch ups over social media with getting outside to realise the health and wellbeing benefits that come with talking and walking with friends and/or family in and around your neighbourhood, at the park, to or from school, in local bushland, or at the beach.
Learn more about the Talk N Walk Program:
Download Talk N Walk from your app store:
The Talk N Walk Program has been made possible by a whole team people, with special thanks to the young people involved in the program co-design and pilot. Please see the Talk N Walk Project team for further details.
Seed funding for the Talk N Walk program was provided through Healthway’s Innovation Challenge Grants Scheme, with additional funding support made available from Telethon to expand the user-testing Pilot Program, iterate the app and launch it to the public (October 2022).