Digital Wellbeing/Screen Time

The Importance of Cursive Handwriting Over Typewriting for Learning in the Classroom: A High-Density EEG Study of 12-Year-Old Children and Young Adults

To write by hand, to type, or to draw – which of these strategies is the most efficient for optimal learning in the classroom? As digital devices are increasingly replacing traditional writing by hand, it is crucial to examine the long-term implications of this practice.

The Importance of Cursive Handwriting Over Typewriting for Learning in the Classroom: A High-Density EEG Study of 12-Year-Old Children and Young Adults Read More »

Mind-Craft: Exploring the Effect of Digital Visual Experience on Changes to Orientation Sensitivity in Visual Contour Perception

Visual perception depends fundamentally on statistical regularities in the environment to make sense of the world. One such regularity is the orientation anisotropy typical of natural scenes; most natural scenes contain slightly more canonical (horizontal and vertical) information than oblique information.

Mind-Craft: Exploring the Effect of Digital Visual Experience on Changes to Orientation Sensitivity in Visual Contour Perception Read More »

Psychological impacts of “screen time” and “green time” for children and adolescents: A systematic scoping review

Technological developments in recent decades have increased young people’s engagement with screen-based technologies (screen time), and a reduction in young people’s contact with nature (green time) has been observed concurrently. This combination of high screen time and low green time may affect mental health and well-being.

Psychological impacts of “screen time” and “green time” for children and adolescents: A systematic scoping review Read More »

Higher parental stress linked to low screen-time enforcement, research finds

When parents are under stress, household rules about screen time often get abandoned, new University of Guelph research finds. A first of its kind in Canada, the study found parents of young children reporting high levels of life or parenting stress were less likely to monitor and limit their kids’ screen use and more likely

Higher parental stress linked to low screen-time enforcement, research finds Read More »

Parental Screen Use and Effect on Children – Association of Parental and Contextual Stressors With Child Screen Exposure and Child Screen Exposure Combined With Feeding

Are individual and contextual stressors associated with the use and duration of screen time and screen time combined with food in children aged 7 to 18 months?

Parental Screen Use and Effect on Children – Association of Parental and Contextual Stressors With Child Screen Exposure and Child Screen Exposure Combined With Feeding Read More »

Limiting Children’s Screen Time Improves Their Memory, Attention and Language Skills

Childhood and adolescence are crucial periods for brain development, and the behaviours during a typical 24 h period contribute to cognitive performance. The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth recommend at least 60 min physical activity per day, 2 h or less recreational screen time per day, and 9–11 h sleep per night in children aged 8–11 years. We investigated the relationship between adherence to these recommendations and global cognition.

Limiting Children’s Screen Time Improves Their Memory, Attention and Language Skills Read More »

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